Dara Sin's Home Page

About Me

My name is Dara Sin. I am a Sophomore at the Greater Lowell Technical High School. I lived in Lowell, MA. Our mom and dad was born in Cambodia. Our mom and dad have to move to the United States because of war going on our country during the 1960s. Our family have 4 boys including me and 3 girls.

My elementary education is Shaughnessy Elementary School. Then, I went to the Sullivan Middle School as my middle school. After I finished middle school, I came to the Greater Lowell Technical High School.

What am I going to do when I become 16?

The first thing I am going to do when I am 16 is try to get a job. As a result, I might earn money so I might be able to buy stuff I need.

I will buy a computer. Then, I will plan to start buying better computer parts so I can get better performance on the computer and edit LARGE VIDEO FILES or "hard to edit" (read: on old computers, I can not edit them easily) video files easier.

Lastly, I am planning to buy a drumset because I might have fun playing the drums especially the crash cymbals, the ride cymbals, the hi-hat, the snare drum, and the bass drum.

What am I going to do when I become an adult?

The first thing I am going to do is try to be rich so my life would be easier.

Then, I will buy better camcorder and video equipment to show off my friends.

Next, My goal is to get 512 TB to 1 PB (petabyte) or more for my own NAS (which I do not have) by 2025.

Lastly, I will try to be famous so they will like me a lot.

Contact Me

Dara Sin

250 Pawtucket Blvd

Tyngsboro, MA 01879